My Story
I’m Tracy Byrne and I’d like to welcome you to The Wellbeing Edge, a place where together we will work to bring you to the edge of possibility for your own physical and mental well-being.
The Wellbeing Edge is the fulfilment of a dream I had, to repay a random act of kindness that gave me back my sense of purpose when I was feeling lost and alone.
After years spent chasing success in every aspect of my life, from sports to academics to career, I found myself 3000 miles away from home with three children under 4 and no clear idea of what I needed to fuel me each and every day. My focus was purely on my family and tending to their needs, my oxygen mask was well and truly hidden.
After the birth of my first child, I needed to take extended sick leave from my established career in international banking. It is only now that I realise the impact this illness and trauma had on my confidence and how it completely changed the trajectory of my life. Instead of continuing to rise that corporate ladder, I handed in my notice and spent the next number of years entirely consumed with motherhood and all that entailed.
A transatlantic move resulted in more upheaval and change and although I willingly agreed to it, I underestimated how isolated and at sea I would feel.
The significant personal sacrifices I had made for the greater good of our family did not come without a price. I had lost my sense of self. Cue that random act of kindness, which ultimately led me to where I am today. An offer of a training session at a local gym, led to me meeting a phenomenal trainer Barry and an amazing woman called Mel. 60 minutes later something had fundamentally changed for me. For that block of time I had been able to focus my attention on me and on me alone. I had challenged myself both physically and mentally and I had rediscovered the magic of endorphins! It was truly transformative, and I committed to making exercise an integral part of my life from that day on.
Fast forward to today and I am now a certified Exercise & Health professional and qualified NLP Practitioner and Life Coach.
I get to fulfil my dream of partnering with my clients to continually expand their view of the edge of their own wellbeing in a fun, inclusive and non-judgemental space, so that they can move more, laugh more and ultimately live more.
My Why
I want you to feel fully resourced for the life you want to live.
I want you to discover the connection between good physical health, improved stress control, a better immune system and the ability to thrive instead of merely survive.
I will meet you wherever you are on your unique journey to wellness – your starting point is the absolute right one for you and together we will explore the limits of your potential to grow in strength, endurance and resilience.
Connection for me is key and I am driven by a need to bring people together. I know the wonderful benefits that can accrue from feeling included and cared for. I see my clients bond together during our sessions, either because of a feeling of shared achievement or even shared pain after a particularly tough workout! I witness them celebrating the wins in their personal and professional lives, commiserating with one another during the tough times and this camaraderie is what success truly looks like for me.
Many female executives struggle to find the time to prioritise their health and wellbeing, so we have created time efficient, bespoke training sessions that equip our clients with the tools they need to become confident and strong in both body and mind.
I have developed a range of services that can cater for the beginner just starting out on her fitness journey, the seasoned exerciser who relishes a challenge, and the woman who recognises a need for connection.
I work with both individuals and corporate teams and value the opportunity I have to enhance their quality of life by demonstrating how vital it is to put ourselves and our wellbeing on the top of that “to do” list!
My Values
My clients are often quite vulnerable when they come to work with me. I respect that. It’s a vulnerable space.
I will meet each client with care and kindness.
I accept every person for where they are and who they are. This is a judgement free zone. Nobody is broken here.
I will work to find a path that is truly right for you and your wellbeing journey.
I will always have your best interests to the fore and will demonstrate this through the consistency of my words and actions.
Our relationship is one of partnership built on mutual trust.
Because when I do, you will believe in yourself more too.
I want to expand your view of what is possible for you.
I will help you believe in your own ability to achieve life affirming changes on your wellbeing journey.
I will provide you with the roadmap to achieve these changes in a sustainable and consistent way.
I will be there step by step as your cheerleader and supporter.
I will always provide you with the space to be your authentic self.
I will be honest and transparent in my words and actions and in turn will encourage that in my clients
I will demonstrate an empathetic understanding of the journey ahead.
I will always endeavour to infuse our sessions with humour and fun
I will encourage you to work hard but to also relax and enjoy the time you have dedicated to your wellbeing.
This balance of fun and dedication will enhance each leg of the journey.
Let me help you discover the path to balance in your life.
I will endeavour to act as a role model for my clients by clearly outlining how I achieve that often-elusive balance in my own life, by maintaining healthy boundaries, recognizing when it is time to pause and rest and conversely when it is time to forge ahead.
I will clearly outline the steps necessary and the positive benefits you will reap from investing in yourself.
Emma Mailey